In June 2022, as a further check of the new OM1, I spent a weekend at Bempton with some friends. The Puffins had more or less gone, so I concentrated on getting shots of Guillemots and Razorbills coming in to land. While both of these birds leave the cliffs more or less horizontally, they arrive vertically, and they are the only birds I know that can fly forward while more or less fully upright. I love the way they look as they arrive. Capturing this is a challenge as they are so small it's difficult to track them coming in as can be done with Gannets for example. I used the pro capture feature of the Olympus, which enables you to capture images after they have happened, through some computational wizardry, and that got me some nice sequences. AS a bonus, there are a few shots of Puffins at the end - the last ones of the season.
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