After a Covid-induced gap, I returned to Cambodia in November 2022. On the wildlife front, I again visited the Prek Toal nature reserve, in a tributary off the giant Ton le Sap lake in central Cambodia. This was followed by a visit to the extraordinary Siem Pang wildlife reserve close to the Lao border in NE Cambodia, run by the remarkable Jonathon Eames OBE. This sanctuary, not open to the public, exists primarily to preserve the last surviving Giant Ibis population in SE Asia, of which there are only around 200 adults remaining in the world, but also houses one of the last populations of White Rumped and Slender billed vultures, of which less than 1000 remain in the world. I didn't get to see any Giant Ibis here, but did see white backed and slender billed vultures at the amazing if slightly unedifying Buffalo restaurant, as well as the also rare Lesser Adjutant and some very attractive dragonflies.

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