Improved OM1 birds in flight camera settings
This is a description of my approach to the Olympus OM1 (any version) when shooting birds in flight. Unlike my previous post on BIF, this is super technical and only intended for those owning an OM1 or thinking about it. I assign these settings to Custom setting 2 (C2). There will be separate sections on Exposure Compensation and Pro capture soon. Note, to denote the camera brand, I use “Olympus” instead of “OM Digital Systems” throughout.
Birds in Flight Physical camera settings (I check all this before taking any shots)
- Function lever: position 1: EV on the back dial, Shutter on front dial. To change aperture, change to FL position 2: Aperture on the back dial, Shutter on the front dial, then flip back. For explanation, see new post on exposure compensation.
- Make sure Focus Limit, HR, BKT, LND, NLV/SOVF are off .
Preset C2 Settings (I check these on the Super Control Panel and main screen).
- Exposure:
- Manual with auto ISO max 12800. Auto ISO is essential if SS and Aperture are fixed.
- Highlight and shadow view in EVF and monitor only (no full-screen view).
- Aperture wide open (note: I put a 1.2 pro lens on when making this setting, so any telephoto lens subsequently attached goes to max aperture – see below)
- Shutter
- 1/2000s silent (but spin up for small birds, and spin down for stationary birds)
- Burst mode: SH2 25 fps for flicker free viewfinder
- Pro capture off by default but PC settings are: SH2 – 50 FPS, 20 pre-shutter, limit off, SH1 – 100 FPS, 30 pre-shutter, limit off.
- Release priority on SAF/CAF.
- Focus:
- CAF, bird recognition on. Tracking off.
- Focus area: large. “Set home” focus area: small
- Focus limiter off, but assigned to top front button, select via back dial. Settings: On1: 3-50 On2: 5-20, On3: 20-300.
- Focus clutch off (in settings) so accidental jarring of the physical clutch has no effect
- AF by half pressing shutter button: on.
- Back button focus on
- Sensitivity 0
- Focus beep on
- Focus Scanner: Mode 3 – but never noticed much difference between mode 2 or 3
- C-AF Release Priority: Release, although I don’t find it makes much difference.
- C-AF Center Start: On for 3 and 5 point, off for everything else
- C-AF Center Priority: On for 3 and 5 point, off for everything else
- Other
- Camera/lens stabilisation: auto
- WB auto, NR auto for mechanical, off for silent shutter. Monitor brightness 0,
- Save to slot. 1 Note: I keep a high speed 64 GB card in slot 1 only for BIF. There is a lower speed 256 GB card in slot 2 for everything else.
Button assignments (simple to avoid surprises)
- Lower front button: Focus limit
- Upper front button: Focus limit:
- Record button/back dial: Subject recognition choose
- ISO button:OFF
- VF button next to EVF: Normal use
- AEL/LFN: IS on/off
- +/-: Magnifier
- Multi-selector center button: home position plus large focus area.
- 4-way left: Focus area
- 4-way down, shutter mode
- 4-way right: ISO
Ensuring the aperture is always wide open
I always want the aperture to be wide open for birds in flight in the UK. To ensure that happens, when I set these custom C2 settings, I ensure the aperture is wide open with a fast lens attached (say a 1.2). Then, if a different lens is put on, the aperture always defaults to its lowest aperture value.
For example, if I attach the 300mm it will start up in C2 at its widest aperture of f4, but if I swap to the 40-150mm it will open to f2.8. That way you are always ready to go, and don’t have to check the aperture before starting.
B. Shooting technique
Birds in flight – sky background
Aim towards bird, check bird exposure with light/dark display, and adjust exposure compensation with rear dial. When exposure correct, press button, spray and pray. If close up engage focus limiter On2, if in distance engage on3.
Birds in flight or stationary – foliage background,
Press home button (joystick centre) to reduce focus area to small, and possibly engage focus limiter. Spin down shutter speed for stationary birds
Perched birds taking off or landing
Switch to Pro-capture via four-way switch down button. Press home button for small area. Engage focus limiter On1. Watch left bottom to ensure pro capture operating, and left top to see when card writing is finished.
Improved in the title was needed for a better SEO score. Plus I needed to add another ten words. Done.